Refugee Assistance

Refugee Assistance

Over 1.2 million Iraqis have been displaced. They have fled their homes with little to no possessions. Many have settled south of Baghdad. Thanks to its generous donors, Development and Relief Foundation has been able to provide some food, bedding, and water, ice and thermoses to these refugee families. 

However, DRF would like to help more refugees and give more in-kind support. Below is a list of much-needed items. $1 will provide water for a family for a day. $25 will provide a food package for a family for a week. Donate generously at our donation page.


bedding (mattresses, pillows, and blankets)

food packages (rice, macaroni, oil, eggs, and canned food)

gas cylinders

refrigerators/water coolers

water tanks

small gas stoves

bread ovens